" ... A vista de Lisboa de um avião da TAP que regressa é sempre comovente. Ningúem me convence que os nossos pilotos não seguem um secreto trajecto panorâmico, estabelecido por um antigo pacto de forças da saudade com as forças do ar.
Já qundo partem de Lisboa, os aviões da TAP viram as costas a Lisboa logo que podem, fartos de lá estar e ansiosos por chegarem aonde vão. Ou, se calhar, seguindo o antigo pacto dos pilotos, entre o que os olhos vêem e o que o coração sente, despedem-se depressa, com pressa de lá voltar.
Quando se parte de Lisboa, virando-lhe as costas, é como estivéssemos num arrufo de namorados. Estamos apaixonados por ela- às vezes sem saber- mas zangámo-nos com ela e fazemos de conta que vamos deixá-la.
Ou fingimos que nos zangámos, para podermos ir à nossa vida, sabendo muito bem que, mal possamos, estamos lá outra vez, voltando a Lisboa como se nunca a tivéssemos deixado. Para podermos partir, metemos na cabeça que estamos farto dela. Nem olhamos para ela. Lisboa que fique para trás, que nós temos mais que fazer.
E lá vamos, traindo-a alegremente com outras cidades, entregando-nos a todos os encantos que Lisboa não tem. (...)
... melhor ainda, confesso, foi voltar a Lisboa. Sentimos aquela tristeza portuguesa de saber que tínhamos roubado e perdido dias em Portugal, que nunca mais nos serão devolvidos. Lisboa recebeu-nos bem mas, por muito que disfarçasse, via-se que tinha acusado o toque, mas com vaidade, mentindo-nos que não tínhamos perdido nada.
Mas perdemos. Ganhado apenas o prazer, mais uma vez, de lá voltar."
Miguel Esteves Cardoso, in revista UP- TAP Portugal.
Subir para cima descer para baixo... porque a felicidade não existe 24h por dia...
segunda-feira, novembro 29, 2010
quinta-feira, novembro 11, 2010
The Five Essential Elements of Wellbeing
For more than 50 years, Gallup scientists have been exploring the demands of a life well-lived. More recently, in partnership with leading economists, psychologists, and other acclaimed scientists, Gallup has uncovered the common elements of wellbeing that transcend countries and cultures. This research revealed the universal elements of wellbeing that differentiate a thriving life from one spent suffering. They represent five broad categories that are essential to most people:
• Career Wellbeing: how you occupy your time -- or simply liking what you do every day
• Social Wellbeing: having strong relationships and love in your life
• Financial Wellbeing: effectively managing your economic life
• Physical Wellbeing: having good health and enough energy to get things done on a daily basis
• Community Wellbeing: the sense of engagement you have with the area where you live
in http://gmj.gallup.com/content/127211/Exercise-Sleep-Physical-Wellbeing.aspx?utm_source=email&utm_medium=10NOV-B&utm_content=morelink&utm_campaign=newsletter#2
For more than 50 years, Gallup scientists have been exploring the demands of a life well-lived. More recently, in partnership with leading economists, psychologists, and other acclaimed scientists, Gallup has uncovered the common elements of wellbeing that transcend countries and cultures. This research revealed the universal elements of wellbeing that differentiate a thriving life from one spent suffering. They represent five broad categories that are essential to most people:
• Career Wellbeing: how you occupy your time -- or simply liking what you do every day
• Social Wellbeing: having strong relationships and love in your life
• Financial Wellbeing: effectively managing your economic life
• Physical Wellbeing: having good health and enough energy to get things done on a daily basis
• Community Wellbeing: the sense of engagement you have with the area where you live
in http://gmj.gallup.com/content/127211/Exercise-Sleep-Physical-Wellbeing.aspx?utm_source=email&utm_medium=10NOV-B&utm_content=morelink&utm_campaign=newsletter#2
terça-feira, setembro 28, 2010
Novo Implante para o centro histórico da Praia da Vitória?

Artigo de opinião, redigido por mim, publicado no jornal "A União", de hoje dia 28 de Setembro de 2010, relativo ao novo projecto (implante?) para a Praça Francisco Ornelas da Câmara, coração da minha cidade da Praia da Vitória.
Obrigado a quem de direito, por me deixar exercer a minha cidadania e direito de opinião,
Gustavo Neves Lima
domingo, agosto 29, 2010
´Bora ler?
A jason associates...tem um site cheio de coisas interessantes...
A jason associates...tem um site cheio de coisas interessantes...
quarta-feira, junho 30, 2010
StrengthsFinder/ Talent Finder
Talent* Investment= Strengths (talents can become strengths with hard work)
"In this increasingly talent-driven society, we need to know and develop our strengths to figure out where we fit it (...) what happens when you are not in the "strengths zone"? You are quite simply a very different person. In the workplace you are six times less likely to be engaged in your job (...) Our natural talents and passions- the things we truly love to do last for a lifetime...far too many people spend a lifetime headed in the wrong direction...this is why it´s essential not only to discover and develop your strengths as early as possible, but also to help the people around you build on their natural talents"
in Strengths Finder 2.0 from Tom Rath
My Top 5 Strengths/Talents
GALLUP institution
sexta-feira, junho 04, 2010
Sons. Sonidos. Sentimentos.
Boa noite. Há sons que comunicam e fazem comunicar, extensos, inaudíveis...complexos de mais para poderem ser exprimidos. Expelidos. Expressados. Experimentados por nossa tamanha pequenez. Amanhã é outro dia, e depois há outro...e outro... os bons dias. Um Bom dia. A noite leva-me para o silêncio da minha mente. Aqui vou eu. Eu e mais todos os meus pensamentos. Só meus.
Calem-se os imbecis. Escutem.
A cadência da sabedoria, do amor que eleva. Do mais elevado. Conjugações perfeitas, oscilações momentâneas acertadas…ritmadas. Que embalam e fazem embalar.
Cale-se os falantes. Escutem. Compreendam a pequenez. A sua, a nossa.
Ligações energéticas. Flutuando. Escuta. O tempo é nada. O tempo é para. Pára.
Ouve. Escuta. Compreende. E no fim, por favor, sorri.
Calem-se os imbecis. Escutem.
A cadência da sabedoria, do amor que eleva. Do mais elevado. Conjugações perfeitas, oscilações momentâneas acertadas…ritmadas. Que embalam e fazem embalar.
Cale-se os falantes. Escutem. Compreendam a pequenez. A sua, a nossa.
Ligações energéticas. Flutuando. Escuta. O tempo é nada. O tempo é para. Pára.
Ouve. Escuta. Compreende. E no fim, por favor, sorri.
quarta-feira, maio 26, 2010
“Don''''t worry, be happy.” This sounds like such a simplistic phrase, but there is great power and wisdom in it. This tells us to focus on what we want rather than what we don’t want. When we focus on what we want, our actions take us nearer to our goals in life.
One way to guide your life toward happiness is simply to count your blessings. Dr. Myers points to research showing that people who pause each day to reflect on the positive aspects of their lives (for example, their health, friends, family, education, freedom) are more likely to experience positive feelings and happiness.
These are the principles I use to be happy. They work for me, and I hope they work for you:
1) Improve your relationships with friends and family – Happiness starts at home. Start by improving your relationship with your parents, brothers, sisters, and children. Smile when You greet them, do things for them, don''''t allow them to get angry with you. Maintaining healthy loving relationships and friendships can promote happiness. Remember that love makes you beautiful.
2) Be an optimist - Optimism generates good feelings.
3) Develop a genuine smile and laugh a lot - Act happy - It works. Smile into the mirror for a half hour without stopping. Smiling makes you happy and the more you smile the more happy you become. We all like people who smile. It also makes us more attractive.
4) Pray - Become religious or spiritual - This only works if you believe in God. If you want to be happy then ask God to make you happy. Prayer helps you accomplish things.
5) Be generous and share with others - Give more than you receive because being generous will make you happy.
6) Treat time as a friend - Don''''t watch the clock.
7) Exercise your mind - Keep yourself busy with some new project or ideas.
8) Work your body - Exercise regularly. Studies show that aerobic exercise is an antidote for mild depression and anxiety. "Happy minds reside in sound bodies," says Dr. Myers.
9) Have fun in life - Keep cool under pressure.
10) Pursue achievable goals.
11) Have high confidence in yourself.
12) Respect the disadvantaged.
13) Age gracefully.
14) Give compliments - Take every opportunity to be complimentary. Want to make someone like you? Every time you meet a person smile and give them a compliment.
15) Be honest - With honesty comes openness. People respect honest and open minded people.
16) Keep an open mind - Most people seem to think that they know everything that they need to know. There''''s plenty of wisdom to go around.
17) Treat difficulties as challenges –Life''''s an adventure and every obstacle in life is one of its challenges. Treat life as a game. What fun would a game be if you could never lose?
Being happy is really a choice we make. The secret of Happiness is simple, very simple - what is it? You d ecide if you want to be happy! Happiness is free. You can feel happiness, this very minute, if you so choose.
If you continue to focus all your energy and attention on what you want, you’ll soon find yourself happy. Realize now that true happiness results from sharing generously of yourself, your mind, emotion and spirit, with all those who come in contact with you.
in http://pt.shvoong.com/humanities/1761843-bring-happiness-life/
Tenham um bom dia!
One way to guide your life toward happiness is simply to count your blessings. Dr. Myers points to research showing that people who pause each day to reflect on the positive aspects of their lives (for example, their health, friends, family, education, freedom) are more likely to experience positive feelings and happiness.
These are the principles I use to be happy. They work for me, and I hope they work for you:
1) Improve your relationships with friends and family – Happiness starts at home. Start by improving your relationship with your parents, brothers, sisters, and children. Smile when You greet them, do things for them, don''''t allow them to get angry with you. Maintaining healthy loving relationships and friendships can promote happiness. Remember that love makes you beautiful.
2) Be an optimist - Optimism generates good feelings.
3) Develop a genuine smile and laugh a lot - Act happy - It works. Smile into the mirror for a half hour without stopping. Smiling makes you happy and the more you smile the more happy you become. We all like people who smile. It also makes us more attractive.
4) Pray - Become religious or spiritual - This only works if you believe in God. If you want to be happy then ask God to make you happy. Prayer helps you accomplish things.
5) Be generous and share with others - Give more than you receive because being generous will make you happy.
6) Treat time as a friend - Don''''t watch the clock.
7) Exercise your mind - Keep yourself busy with some new project or ideas.
8) Work your body - Exercise regularly. Studies show that aerobic exercise is an antidote for mild depression and anxiety. "Happy minds reside in sound bodies," says Dr. Myers.
9) Have fun in life - Keep cool under pressure.
10) Pursue achievable goals.
11) Have high confidence in yourself.
12) Respect the disadvantaged.
13) Age gracefully.
14) Give compliments - Take every opportunity to be complimentary. Want to make someone like you? Every time you meet a person smile and give them a compliment.
15) Be honest - With honesty comes openness. People respect honest and open minded people.
16) Keep an open mind - Most people seem to think that they know everything that they need to know. There''''s plenty of wisdom to go around.
17) Treat difficulties as challenges –Life''''s an adventure and every obstacle in life is one of its challenges. Treat life as a game. What fun would a game be if you could never lose?
Being happy is really a choice we make. The secret of Happiness is simple, very simple - what is it? You d ecide if you want to be happy! Happiness is free. You can feel happiness, this very minute, if you so choose.
If you continue to focus all your energy and attention on what you want, you’ll soon find yourself happy. Realize now that true happiness results from sharing generously of yourself, your mind, emotion and spirit, with all those who come in contact with you.
in http://pt.shvoong.com/humanities/1761843-bring-happiness-life/
Tenham um bom dia!
domingo, abril 04, 2010
Devaneios de Dia..
sábado, abril 03, 2010
Ver vemos quase todos...olhar nem por isso.
Olhar é diferente de ver...
Está a chegar ao sétimo mês que aqui estou...todos os dias que entrava no hall e subia as escadas pensava a mesma coisa.
Hoje chegou o dia de deixar de pensar e agir.
E depois de agir sinto-me quase sempre satisfeito. E esse sentimento depois é renovado de cada vez que passo pelo mesmo hall e pelas mesmas escadas...
Um bom dia...mais verde por estas bandas.
sexta-feira, abril 02, 2010
A GE-free future
A GE-free future
The European Commission has just allowed genetically engineered crops into Europe, ignoring safety concerns of the public interest. I've just joined a new EU initiative with Greenpeace, Avaaz and Friends of the Earth - calling for a moratorium on GE crops in the EU. With 1 million citizens' signatures, we can make an official legal request to the European Commission. Sign below and let's get to 1 million:
You can read more and sign the petition here: http://www.greenpeace.org/GEpetition
The European Commission has just allowed genetically engineered crops into Europe, ignoring safety concerns of the public interest. I've just joined a new EU initiative with Greenpeace, Avaaz and Friends of the Earth - calling for a moratorium on GE crops in the EU. With 1 million citizens' signatures, we can make an official legal request to the European Commission. Sign below and let's get to 1 million:
You can read more and sign the petition here: http://www.greenpeace.org/GEpetition
segunda-feira, março 08, 2010
Óscares 2010
Melhor filme: Estado de guerra?
Ridículo. Hollywood pôs-me em estado de guerra. A política e a americanice venceram aqui.
Não consigo pensar em algo mais do que na frase "absurdo".
Ridículo. Hollywood pôs-me em estado de guerra. A política e a americanice venceram aqui.
Não consigo pensar em algo mais do que na frase "absurdo".
segunda-feira, fevereiro 01, 2010
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